Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Changes around here

Hi everyone!

If you've been following my twitter, Facebook page, or Ravelry group, you know that yesterday I gave a heads up for a big announcement regarding OurHumbleCastle. Ready for it?

This week, there will be a clearance sale at Ourhumblecastle at never seen before low prices. Once the sale is over, all the yarn & fiber dyed before May of this year will be gone until the fall. The shop will be closed the day after the sale, and will re-open with new, lower prices on almost all of our products.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about why I dye yarn- about what is important to me. I haven't had as much time to pour into the business since summer started, with all the outdoor work to do on top of my regular schedule. This has really pushed me to evaluate why I do what I do. I started to dye yarn & fiber because I love having the freedom to play with color- mixing new shades, coming up with awesome color combinations, & simply watching how each yarn takes the colors differently depending on it's own personality. I continue to dye yarn & fiber because people have let me know how much they enjoy my product. I love watching projects pop up on Ravelry, and hearing tales of appreciation- such as one customer's husband saying that one of my colors was one of his favorites of all the yarn his wife has purchased- it's the best part of my job. Early in this career choice of mine, a good friend & fiber mentor gave me the advice to not undersell myself, or my product. I totally agree, and while I do honestly believe that my yarns are worth every penny of their current price, I also have decided that I'm willing to work with a lower profit margin in order to make my product more accessible. The joy of seeing people use and love my product is way more important to me than the money.

Well, fellow fiber lovers, there you have it. Thank you for your continued support as I work out the exciting future of this business, one step at a time.

~Sarah-Ashley Ortiz

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